Monday, October 18, 2010

Chinese Vs Brazilian basketball Team

The Chinese men’s national Basketball after his brawl with the Lebanese national Team in 2001 and Puerto Rican national Team in 2005, the Chinese team did it again this time with the Brazilian Basketball team in a Friendly game in Beijing. Many sports and non-sports websites news were interested in this brawl especial that is not the first time that this team fights with their guests.

“” didn’t only posted pictures about the fight, but also they published a video that shows the brawl from the first minutes till the end. This video is a great reference to the fans and readers to judge on the Chinese basketball team and to see clearly their action in the basketball court. A picture was used of this drawl to show the reality in closer of this unsporting team.
“” the Chinese online news website, published an article titled: “Should the Chinese Men's Basketball Team Have to Apologize?” by Zhu Chong. The author of this article posted a big picture of this brawl to give the readers an idea about the fight and who begin it. Posting a big picture is a good idea because it lets the reader to see details of the fight.

“” also was interested in this story, but the author was a little bit poor with his tools. He only used one picture in a small size. In this article, the title of the text is more interesting for readers more than the picture.

To conclude, in this kind of stories the usage of a picture is a good tool because it shows the main point of the text, in this case is the fight. But by using a video, the reader will be more interested to watch and have more information about it. Because the video will gives the opportunity to readers and fans to watch and hear what’s happening in the basketball court, and will shows the reality of the fight from its beginning till the end. The Tools used in these articles were more than enough to create a relation between the texts and the websites readers.


AP (2010), “Basketball: China team brawl with Brazil”, available:

Unknown (2010), “Brazil-China ‘Friendly’ Basketball Game Ends with Huge Brawl”, available:

Chong Z (2010), “Should the Chinese Men's Basketball Team Have to Apologize?” , available:

Ronaldonho Vs Rumor

Ronaldinho is a soccer player with the national Brazilian team and with the Italian club “AC Milan”. In 2002, the Brazilian team was champion of the world cup and Ronaldinho was a major player in this time, which helps him to get the Golden ball as a MVP player of the year. He played with many international European clubs such as the Spanish club “Real Madrid” and “AC Milan” the Italian club. After 3 sessions with AC Milan, a rumor about he’s leaving the club to the United States, oblige him to face the media and tell them the truth. Online news was excited about this story but did they deliver clearly to the reader?

“” is an Italian website in English. An article titled: “Robinho says Ronaldinho is staying "I will tie him down if I have to." By Luca Calamai, summarizes the reflection of Ronaldinho and his Brazilian mate (Robinho) in AC Milan after his rumor. To help readers to be more familiarize with this story, the author posted two pictures; the first one is for Robinho wearing his Brazilian team costume, this picture is more to introduce this young player to the audience. The second one, this for Ronaldinho and Robinho wearing AC Milan sport costume during a game in the Italian league “Calcio”. This picture is to gives readers an idea about the relation between these two players. Also Gazzetta website posted a summarized video about the goals of latest match of AC Milan and the team work between these two Brazilian players.

“”, “” and “” are sports websites, with actually must be more excited about this story than other normal news websites. But unfortunately, these websites they only posted one picture to introduce Ronaldinho and Robinho (in case of to the readers of these articles, with consider as a poor tools to enrich the stories.

To conclude, this story is not an important one. That’s why the authors didn’t post rich tools to increase the percentage of readers. Using pictures help people to be more familiarizing with the article, but not in this case because there is a rumor, so the picture can’t show it clearly. Maybe by posting a video about Ronaldinho speech to the media, will increase the ability to read the text and watch the video.


Landolina S (2010), “Ronaldinho will not leave AC Milan – Robinho”, available:

Calamai L (2010), “Robinho says Ronaldinho is staying "I will tie him down if I have to."”, available: (2010), “AC Milan star Ronaldinho: Berlusconi wants me to stay”, available:

Del monte A (2010), “Ron pledges future to Milan”, available:,19528,11854_6446414,00.html

Violence in Soccer

Violence was a major problem for FIFA (Federation International de Football Association) before they come up with the “Fair Play” and “No Racism” to stop this kind of violent behavior. October 2010, after more than twenty years of Fair plays, the North Ireland people warned over Italia – Serbia match for Europe 2012 qualification, because of political issues. Soccer and sports websites were the first interested in this negative improvement because this kind of violence may leave behind some negative attitude for football fans (shooting, fighting, stealing …). ESPN, BBC and bleacherreport. Com were the first online news which they wrote about this issue. was the most interested in this topic. An article titled: “Northern Ireland fans warned over Serbia match” explain different point of this attack on the Serbia team. BBC chooses to post a video in the beginning of the story to show the real image of this attack. This video summarizes the violence attack and how the Serbian police handle it after that. The video is an important tool because it shows a combination of visual and audio structures to help the reader to become more familiar with the topic. A picture of Ivan Bogdanov (the heart of this attack) holding a Molotov bomb before he throws it on the field was used by BBC to gives a clue to readers about the attacker and his background. This picture is a good tool but not as good as a video, because the picture gives us one scene but the video will create a mixer of multiple ones. and choose to post pictures in their stories about the violence during the match and after it. ESPN used multiple kinds of photos (during the match, police handle it, arrestments…) differently from bleacherreport which used only one photo that shows the attacking on the Italian goalkeeper on the soccer field.

To conclude, video is more interesting to readers than a picture, because usually fans want maximum information possible about the topic and the video can gives the real image of the story. Picture is not a bad idea in this topic because it’s shows the violence from multiple places. This story work especial it is related to soccer the most popular game in the world.


Govedarica M (2010), “Serbia hits rock bottom”, available:

Unknown (2010), “Northern Ireland fans warned over Serbia match”, available:

Rinaldi G (2010), “Italy Vs. Serbia: Who Should Carry The Can For Euro 2012 Crowd Chaos?” , available:

Korea Formula 1 Grand Prix

The Formula 1car race will open on 24 of October the new Korean Grand Prix, a 3.5 mile (5.6 kilometer) circuit. The Korean Grand Prix will be the 17th of 19 races this session (2010), which Abu Dhabi will be the grand prix for 2010 F1 session. The opening of new circuit is an important event to make online stories because Formula 1 fans are not only in a specific country but in the whole world. is a British website that discusses all important issues with their readers in UK and internationally. An article titled “Korean F1 Grand Prix given go-ahead after inspection” was the main topic for this week, which summaries information about the Korean Formula 1 Grand prix opening day which helps the reader to be more familiar with the topic. To create a strong connection between the reader and the story, the author of the article posted a video in the top of the story to visualize the new Korean circuit for Formula 1 fans before the opening race in 24th of November 2010. As a new circuit , fans and readers totally ignore its structure, so by publishing this video they will get some overview about the new circuit by visualizing it positive and negative points. Videos will create kind of curiosity in people’s mind that’s help reader to open the story page and begin reading. Also in this online news, publishes two other tools, a picture and a sentence from a debate about this circuit. On the first hand, the photo used in this article is so small that you can’t realize what is going on from the first look. On the other hand, posting a debate discussion will be a great tool to share opinions about this new Formula 1 circuit.

International edition of also published an article titled “Korean GP gets green light from FIA”
about this hilarious event for Korea. CNN differently from the first website chooses to post a picture about the event to support the article. This picture summaries the most important information about the race (for example: name of the grand prix, date, and logo).

The Korean website, didn’t give the news of the opening event his part of importance. As an Korean website, it’s must be the most important article “Korea Grand Prix Circuit Gets Green Light ” ever published because it is the Korean opening grand prix that many countries hope to have this event in their hometown one day. But the author of this story didn’t use any kind of tools (video, photos, debate discussion …) which decrease the important of this news in the eye of the reader.

To conclude, BBC used the greatest tool for this story in a perfect place and timing. As a new circuit the reader need to have some visual stuff to have an opinion about this story. In this kind of sorties, a photo in not a good idea, because it doesn’t gives an overview about the Korean new circuit. And finally, as a Korean website “ Chosun “ must be more involve in this news more than other international websites.


Unknown (2010), “Korea Grand Prix Circuit Gets Green Light”, available:

Spurgeon B (2010), “The South Korean Grand Prix Is On”, available:

CNN (2010), “Korean GP gets green light from FIA”, available:

Unknown (2010), “Korean F1 Grand Prix given go-ahead after inspection”, available:

New golden medal for australia

After 60 gold medals, the Australian player Allan David add one more golden medal in men’s 168 km cycling road race in the commonwealth game in Delhi to the Australian medals achievement . Like other games in this tournament the media is interested to cover it and talk about it to the audience. Cycling is not a very popular sport in the world but by telling stories about it in the online media maybe will be one day. is one of the most popular website in Australia. An article titled “Allan Davis makes it an Australian double in cycling road race” by jon Ralph, highlight the most important moment during the race. To share the maximum information with the reader, the author chooses to publish a video about the last minutes of the race which include the celebration ceremony after Allan David passed the finish line. In this story, a video is very important especial that many people don’t know enough about this race. So by publishing as a visual and sound tool, it will help the readers to live the moment with the winner and know more about the game. Also this website publishes a table about the ranking of each Team and their medals, for example: Australia is number one with 61 golden medals, 39 silver medals and 37 bronze medals. This table will give overview information to readers about teams ranking in the commonwealth games.

The Australian online news, the Canadian online news the Canadian press and the Indian online news used the same tool to communicate with their readers. These three websites published one photo each from the cycling race, but each photo is different from the others. The photo of is the most attractive to readers, as an Australian website their target audience is the Australians readers, so by showing the cerebration (of the Australian cycler) after the finish line, it will give a glory moment to Australian.

To conclude, the usage of a video of an unpopular game is very important to help the reader to know about it and to be part of it. The picture is not a bad idea especially at the finish line, in different form the two others pictures from the Canadian press and that show a moment from the game which will not attract the readers.


Josh V (2010), “Australian Allan Davis wins men's 168-km road race at Commonwealth Games”, available:

Jon R (2010), “Allan Davis makes it an Australian double in cycling road race”, available:

ABC/ AFP (2010), “Davis completes Aussie road race double, available:

Press trust of India (2010), “Aussies Davis, Gilmore claim road cycling gold medals”, available:

St.Goerge Illawarra, NRL champion

St. George Illawarra is the new champion of the NRL grand final for the first time from 31 years ago after it victory over the Roosters 32- 8. NRL (the national Rugby league) is a popular Australian tournament that most of the Australians wait to watch it from one year to another. Many Australian online newspapers wrote about this event and everyone used different technique to share it with the Australian target audience. is the official website for St. George Illawarra. An article was published under the title “Dragons 2010 NRL Champions” where the author used different kind of techniques to share it with the audience. First, a video will be played directly after every person joins this website. This video shows the players of Dragons team cerebrating after they got their trophy. Usually, this shot (the trophy moment) is the most important for the fans of this Rugby team. Second, a photo gallery was published in the website to show to their supporters the greatest moments ever during and after the game. The combination between the video and the photo gallery create a rich contain from the official website of the Dragons., an Australian online newspaper website published their article about the NRL grand final titled “Dragons romp to sweet 16th” by Adrian Crawford. The author of this website used also a photo gallery to show to the audience all the moment of the game and the trophy ceremony. This photo gallery contains six photos and the author choice the ceremony picture as a opening one because this picture is the most demand from the team fans and the article readers. This idea is one of the best that the online newspapers used it to share visual information with their target audience. is another Australian online newspaper website that also used the photo gallery to share their visual information with their readers. But there is a big difference between the Sydney morning helard online website and abc website. The opening photo of abc website is more important for readers and team fans than the one that publish it which shows a moment during the final game. But the photo gallery as we talk about it lately is a great tool to communicate with the readers whatever the opening photo is.

To conclude, these three websites used very powerful tools to give to reader the best image of their story. The Dragons website as the official website for the Rugby team used the most powerful one which help the reader to live the moment as he was in the field during the game.


Lane D (2010), “Gasnier happy to be a cog in a finely tuned machine”, available:

AP (2010), “St. George Illawarra wins NRL”, available:

Unknown (2010), “DRAGONS 2010 NRL CHAMPIONS”, available:

Crawford A (2010), “Dragons romp to sweet 16th”, available:

Commonwealth opening ceremony

After the world cup in South Africa in July 2010, the world is living The Commonwealth Games in Delhi. The commonwealth games gather most countries which are related to the British Queen Elizabeth II, for example: India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc. The opening ceremony was one of the biggest event ever had, honest by Prince Charles who was represented the Queen of England Elizabeth II which gives a special meaning for the event. Online news around the world covered this event in different ways. an Indian online news website was the most effective on readers, because they used two videos summarizing the opening ceremony for 10 minutes each. Videos are the most powerful tools for publishing information in online news because it gives visual and audio opportunity to readers which help them to become more familiarize with the story. A small picture at the top of the article is as an introduction of the story that’s gives to readers an idea about the article and maybe about the following videos, which be consider as a hint for the text content. Also this website gives you the opportunity to access to other online stories to know about the latest news of the commonwealth games.

The American online newspaper, The Washington Post published an article about the opening ceremony of the commonwealth game titled: “India savors its moment to shine” by Emily Wax. The author of this story used a special technique to publish her pictures by using a Photo Gallery that no one else uses such a creative tool. As a cover picture of this gallery the author uses an opening ceremony photo as an introduction to the story and for the other pictures inside the photo gallery. The Photo gallery contains 69 photos about the ceremony and different games that’s begins directly after the event. Each picture contains a detail explanation to give up-to-date information to readers for the latest sports news in the Commonwealth games., the Australian online news is also interested in publishing the opening ceremony story because Australia is one of the best countries register to play in these games. A slide show of four pictures used by the author to show the different sides of the opening ceremony but the picture was more showing the Australian team because the readers of this online story are Australians and want to get news of their national team.

To conclude, the tools in this different website were perfectly used because it gives the reader all the information that he is waiting for. Usually the using of videos is more impact than other tools on the audience, but In these stories, the photo gallery and the slide show give all information that the reader need it, so all tools used by stories authors have the same impact on readers.


MacKinnon J (2010), “Games spring to life in Delhi”, available:

Gibson J (2010), “Delhi delights as Games open in style”, available:

Sahu A (2010), “Videos: Commonwealth Games Delhi Opening Ceremony”, available:

Wax E (2010), “India savors its moment to shine”, available: