Monday, October 18, 2010

St.Goerge Illawarra, NRL champion

St. George Illawarra is the new champion of the NRL grand final for the first time from 31 years ago after it victory over the Roosters 32- 8. NRL (the national Rugby league) is a popular Australian tournament that most of the Australians wait to watch it from one year to another. Many Australian online newspapers wrote about this event and everyone used different technique to share it with the Australian target audience. is the official website for St. George Illawarra. An article was published under the title “Dragons 2010 NRL Champions” where the author used different kind of techniques to share it with the audience. First, a video will be played directly after every person joins this website. This video shows the players of Dragons team cerebrating after they got their trophy. Usually, this shot (the trophy moment) is the most important for the fans of this Rugby team. Second, a photo gallery was published in the website to show to their supporters the greatest moments ever during and after the game. The combination between the video and the photo gallery create a rich contain from the official website of the Dragons., an Australian online newspaper website published their article about the NRL grand final titled “Dragons romp to sweet 16th” by Adrian Crawford. The author of this website used also a photo gallery to show to the audience all the moment of the game and the trophy ceremony. This photo gallery contains six photos and the author choice the ceremony picture as a opening one because this picture is the most demand from the team fans and the article readers. This idea is one of the best that the online newspapers used it to share visual information with their target audience. is another Australian online newspaper website that also used the photo gallery to share their visual information with their readers. But there is a big difference between the Sydney morning helard online website and abc website. The opening photo of abc website is more important for readers and team fans than the one that publish it which shows a moment during the final game. But the photo gallery as we talk about it lately is a great tool to communicate with the readers whatever the opening photo is.

To conclude, these three websites used very powerful tools to give to reader the best image of their story. The Dragons website as the official website for the Rugby team used the most powerful one which help the reader to live the moment as he was in the field during the game.


Lane D (2010), “Gasnier happy to be a cog in a finely tuned machine”, available:

AP (2010), “St. George Illawarra wins NRL”, available:

Unknown (2010), “DRAGONS 2010 NRL CHAMPIONS”, available:

Crawford A (2010), “Dragons romp to sweet 16th”, available:

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