Monday, October 18, 2010

New golden medal for australia

After 60 gold medals, the Australian player Allan David add one more golden medal in men’s 168 km cycling road race in the commonwealth game in Delhi to the Australian medals achievement . Like other games in this tournament the media is interested to cover it and talk about it to the audience. Cycling is not a very popular sport in the world but by telling stories about it in the online media maybe will be one day. is one of the most popular website in Australia. An article titled “Allan Davis makes it an Australian double in cycling road race” by jon Ralph, highlight the most important moment during the race. To share the maximum information with the reader, the author chooses to publish a video about the last minutes of the race which include the celebration ceremony after Allan David passed the finish line. In this story, a video is very important especial that many people don’t know enough about this race. So by publishing as a visual and sound tool, it will help the readers to live the moment with the winner and know more about the game. Also this website publishes a table about the ranking of each Team and their medals, for example: Australia is number one with 61 golden medals, 39 silver medals and 37 bronze medals. This table will give overview information to readers about teams ranking in the commonwealth games.

The Australian online news, the Canadian online news the Canadian press and the Indian online news used the same tool to communicate with their readers. These three websites published one photo each from the cycling race, but each photo is different from the others. The photo of is the most attractive to readers, as an Australian website their target audience is the Australians readers, so by showing the cerebration (of the Australian cycler) after the finish line, it will give a glory moment to Australian.

To conclude, the usage of a video of an unpopular game is very important to help the reader to know about it and to be part of it. The picture is not a bad idea especially at the finish line, in different form the two others pictures from the Canadian press and that show a moment from the game which will not attract the readers.


Josh V (2010), “Australian Allan Davis wins men's 168-km road race at Commonwealth Games”, available:

Jon R (2010), “Allan Davis makes it an Australian double in cycling road race”, available:

ABC/ AFP (2010), “Davis completes Aussie road race double, available:

Press trust of India (2010), “Aussies Davis, Gilmore claim road cycling gold medals”, available:

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