Monday, October 18, 2010

Ronaldonho Vs Rumor

Ronaldinho is a soccer player with the national Brazilian team and with the Italian club “AC Milan”. In 2002, the Brazilian team was champion of the world cup and Ronaldinho was a major player in this time, which helps him to get the Golden ball as a MVP player of the year. He played with many international European clubs such as the Spanish club “Real Madrid” and “AC Milan” the Italian club. After 3 sessions with AC Milan, a rumor about he’s leaving the club to the United States, oblige him to face the media and tell them the truth. Online news was excited about this story but did they deliver clearly to the reader?

“” is an Italian website in English. An article titled: “Robinho says Ronaldinho is staying "I will tie him down if I have to." By Luca Calamai, summarizes the reflection of Ronaldinho and his Brazilian mate (Robinho) in AC Milan after his rumor. To help readers to be more familiarize with this story, the author posted two pictures; the first one is for Robinho wearing his Brazilian team costume, this picture is more to introduce this young player to the audience. The second one, this for Ronaldinho and Robinho wearing AC Milan sport costume during a game in the Italian league “Calcio”. This picture is to gives readers an idea about the relation between these two players. Also Gazzetta website posted a summarized video about the goals of latest match of AC Milan and the team work between these two Brazilian players.

“”, “” and “” are sports websites, with actually must be more excited about this story than other normal news websites. But unfortunately, these websites they only posted one picture to introduce Ronaldinho and Robinho (in case of to the readers of these articles, with consider as a poor tools to enrich the stories.

To conclude, this story is not an important one. That’s why the authors didn’t post rich tools to increase the percentage of readers. Using pictures help people to be more familiarizing with the article, but not in this case because there is a rumor, so the picture can’t show it clearly. Maybe by posting a video about Ronaldinho speech to the media, will increase the ability to read the text and watch the video.


Landolina S (2010), “Ronaldinho will not leave AC Milan – Robinho”, available:

Calamai L (2010), “Robinho says Ronaldinho is staying "I will tie him down if I have to."”, available: (2010), “AC Milan star Ronaldinho: Berlusconi wants me to stay”, available:

Del monte A (2010), “Ron pledges future to Milan”, available:,19528,11854_6446414,00.html

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