Monday, October 18, 2010

FC Barcelona Vs Financial crisis

FC Barcelona collapsed in a financial crisis this season. Many electronic newspapers and sports websites were very interested in this event. In my research on the subject, I accessed three different websites to check out the effects of the web design on this story (pictures, videos, interviews…). was my first stop, an article wrote by “mdavis” on 27 July 2010. This article contains only one picture of FC Barcelona logo. As I am really a Barca fan, I read the whole article because looking at a picture only does not give a hint on what the topic is about. Using logo in a picture gives the reader a general view about the topic. If we go deeply into the content of the article, we notice that the dollar values create more influence on the reader and attract them to go through to the end of the story., this website is the official one for FC Barcelona Soccer team. An article was written about the club crisis and because this issue is related directly to his club, the author used three pictures related to the press conference. The first and the second pictures show us the club vice-president for economic affair Javier Faus while giving results and future plans to pass this hitch by showing papers to the audience. These pictures show the reader what exactly happened. Trust in the sources of the story will increase.. The third picture used is also about Mr. Faus but we can see clearly that the photographer included the audience in the same photo. The purpose of this photo is to give a realistic view on the impact that this story has on the national and international media. A video is added to backup the photos and to help “lazy people” understand the headlines of the story. Photos and videos both are a big source of attraction. Even if videos are more exciting to watch, pictures will always influence people as they memorize the moments and made them part of the world history.

On another hand , a website related to Spanish sports, had an interview with Sandro Rossel, the new president of Barcelona. The article was titled: “Barcelona FC Needs Financial Aid”. Many soccer fans read this article even though the article did not have photos or videos attached to it.

Why? Simply because an important interview with the president of Barca with an impulsive title does not need visuals to attract the readers.

To conclude, the curiosity of people is always there. All what needs to be done is to trigger it using different tools at the right moments and places. Each story is unique and because of this uniqueness, each one should have a different techniques and tools. Titles, headlines, interviews, photos and videos are the tools. When and how we use them is where the challenge persists.


mdavis (2010), “FC Barcelona financial crisis”, available:

Unknown (2010), “L’auditoria revela unes pèrdues de 77 milions”, Available:

Parker, D. (2010), “Barcelona FC Needs Financial Aid, Available:

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